What is the Internet?
The Internet is essentially everyone's device communicating with each other. This message that you are reading right now was downloaded temporarily on your device.
What is a Protocol?
A protocol is how each device communicates with the other. For Example in HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), the World Wide Web loaders for each webpage, the protocol must communicate with other devices to transfer and deliver data onto your device.
What is an IP?
An IP address is what uniquely identifies your devices. It is essentially a numerical name given to your devices that uses the internet. It provides a quick and easy way to send data to your devices as fast as possible.
What is a Network?
Part is underconstruction
What are the different types of Networks?
Each network carries its own conditions and sizes. These are the 7 most common types of networks.
Personal Area Network (PAN) - Very basic network that covers small spaces.
Local Area Network (LAN) - Network throughout a local area and uses LAN cables.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) - Basically LAN but without cables.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) - The Network coverage is bigger than LAN but is smaller than WAN.
Wide Area Network (WAN) - One big area of network coverage. An example of this would be the internet which everyone worldwide connects to it. It is composed of many LANs. In the country of Australia, they use 3 LANs that are connected to each other to create 1 WAN.
Storage Area Network (SAN) Basically a LAN that delivers data.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) - A middleman between your device and your destination on the network.
Did you know?
There are over 6 billion indexed web pages as of 2020 and approximately 1.88 billion websites in 2021.